Praktische Grundlagen der Informatik
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Übersicht Data Science:
Data Science / Machine Learning
Projekt: Deep Teaching
Alte Veranstaltungen:
Grundlagen der Informatik (NF)
Octave/Matlab Tutorial
Game Physik
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
(Draft status)
Practical Implementations with Python, Theano and Tensorflow.
Basics of machine learning
Short review gradient descent
General Introduction to Deep Learning
Introduction/Applications (slides)
Programming models for Deep Learning
with examples in Theano and TensorFlow
Introduction into Theano
Univariate Linear Regression with Theano
Feedforward Neural Networks
Feedforward Neural Networks in a Nutshell (incl. a numpy implementation)
to build feedforward neural networks:
One Neuron - Logistic Regression - in German
Simple Feed Forward Neural Network - in German
Using Theano to build feedforward neural networks:
Simple Feed Forward Neural Network with Theano
For an implementation of neural networks also work through the first two chapters of the
deep learning tutorial (external link)
Neuron Types
Autoencoder and Manifold Hypotheses
Slides: Unsupervised Pretraining, Autoencoder and Manifolds
Weight initialization
Momentum and Nesterov Momentum, Adagrad and Adadelta, 2nd order optimization and Hessian free optimization
Dropout and Dropconnect
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Tensoflow Implementation of [Die16] Dieleman, Sander, Jeffrey De Fauw, and Koray Kavukcuoglu; "Exploiting cyclic symmetry in convolutional neural networks"
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
Recurrent neural networks
: Long Short Term Memory
Deep transition recurrent neural networks
Stacked recurrent neural networks
Applications of RNNs
Energy based models
Intro RBM
: Introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Gibbs Sampling on RBM
Contrastive Divergence
Renormalization Group and RBMs
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