(Source: Pieter Abbeel, CS188)
e.g. for
C | P(C) |
red | 0.2 |
green | 0.3 |
blue | 0.5 |
# principle of sampling from the above probability table:
def get_a_C():
#step 1
x = np.random.rand()
#step 2
if x < 0.2:
C = 'red'
elif x < 0.5:
return C
print get_a_C()
We are sampling from the right distribution (can easyly be shown).
If the numbers of sample goes to infinity, we get as estimate the correct join probabilities.
e.g. estimate of $P(C \mid r^1, d^0)$:
If we have a low number of counts we have a bad estimate of $P$. In the worste case: no counts for numerator and denominator $\rightarrow P \approx \frac{0}{0}$
Idea: fix evidence variable and sample the rest.
e.g.: shape $\rightarrow$ color
square | circle | triangle | |
red | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.3 |
green | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.3 |
blue | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.4 |
and $Q=P( Shape \mid Color=blue)$
Samples with weights:
How to compute $X_i$ from $P(X_i \mid x_1, x_2, \dots , x_{i-1}, x_{i+1}, \dots , x_{n}) $ efficently?
$$ P(X_i \mid x_1, x_2, \dots , x_{i-1}, x_{i+1}, \dots , x_{n}) = $$$$ \frac{P(x_1, x_2, \dots , x_{i-1}, X_i, x_{i+1}, \dots ,x_{n})}{P(x_1, x_2, \dots x_{i-1}, x_{i+1}, \dots , x_{n})} = $$$$ =\frac{P(x_1, x_2, \dots , x_{i-1}, X_i, x_{i+1}, \dots ,x_{n})} {\sum_{x'_i} P(x_1, x_2, \dots x_{i-1}, x'_i, x_{i+1}, \dots , x_{n})} $$Factorization of $P(X_i \mid X_1, X_2, \dots , X_{i-1}, X_i, X_{i+1}, \dots , X_{n})$ by the topology of the Bayes net: e.g.
$$ P(X_i \mid X_1, X_2, \dots , X_{i-1}, X_i, X_{i+1}, \dots , X_{n}) = P(X_1) P(X_2 \mid X_1) P(X_3 \mid X_1) \dots P(X_i \mid \dots) P( \dots \mid \dots X_i \dots ) P( \dots \mid \dots X_i \dots )\dots $$The important point is that there are a lot of factors without any dependencies on $X_i$ (either on the left or right side of the bar '$\mid$'). So the fraction above can be reduced from this terms:
$$ P(X_i \mid x_1, x_2, \dots , x_{i-1}, x_{i+1}, \dots , x_{n}) = $$
=\frac{P(X_i \mid \dots) P( \dots \mid \dots X_i \dots ) P( \dots \mid \dots X_i \dots )}
{\sum_{x'_i} P(x'_i \mid \dots) P( \dots \mid \dots x'_i \dots ) P( \dots \mid \dots x'_i \dots ) }